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Friday, September 23, 2016

Pendaftaran Universitas Di Taiwan: Application Period 105 Spring (Februari 2017) oleh TEC Indonesia

Deadline pendaftaran lewat TEC Indonesia:
Senin, 10 Oktober 2016, 16.00 WIB

Syarat dan prosedur pendaftaran bisa dilihat di GROUP LINE TEC Application 105S:
(Join dulu, lihat di bagian "NOTE")
Alamat Pengiriman Dokumen:
Taiwan Education Center (TEC) Indonesia
Gedung International Village H-102, Kompleks Kampus Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA)
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya - Indonesia 60293.
Phone: 081.25.9999.790 (Attn.: Ms. Nelliana)

Info pilihan universitas:

Jurusan Nama Kampus Link Pendaftaran Persyaratan TOEFL Financial Statement Biaya Pendaftaran Universitas Biaya Pengiriman Dokumen
School of Business (MBA) CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Business Administration MCU http://apply.mcu.edu.tw/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 61, TOEIC 550, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.500 USD 50 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Business Administration NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department  of Business Administration NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of International Business FCU https://service120-sds.fcu.edu.tw/W710107/index.htm#/en/1 TOEFL ITP: 500; TOEFL iBT: 61; IELTS: 5.5; or TOEIC: 550 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Global Business PCCU https://ap2.pccu.edu.tw/eDocument/form.aspx?id=f4c7faca-96dd-4117-8ed7-82552d66c56d IBT 64, IELTS 5, TOEIC 620 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 USD 45 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Global MBA STUST http://portal.stust.edu.tw/intstudweb/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 63, TOEIC 670, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Graduate Institute of Finance NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Technology Management NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Institute of International Management NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Logistics Management NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
International Master of Business Administration CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program in Agribusiness Management NPUST http://oia.npust.edu.tw/en/International_scholarship BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program in Global Finance CCU http://oia.ccu.edu.tw/apply/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International MBA ISU http://enroll.isu.edu.tw/enroll/di/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis ) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
MBA Program NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
MBA Program in International Business YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MBA Program in Leadership YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MBA Program in Management and Service Science YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MBA Program in Service Marketing YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MS Program in Accounting YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MS Program in Finance YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Jurusan Nama Kampus Link Pendaftaran Persyaratan TOEFL Financial Statement Biaya Pendaftaran Universitas Biaya Pengiriman Dokumen
Nanotechnology Program CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Chemical Engineering and Materials Program CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Optomechatronics Program CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Environmental Engineering Program CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program of Industrial and System Engineering CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Civil Engineering CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program of Information Technology and Cloud Computing CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program of Electrical Engineering CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program of Membrane Material and Application CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Mechanical Engineering STUST http://portal.stust.edu.tw/intstudweb/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 63, TOEIC 670, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Electrical Engineering STUST http://portal.stust.edu.tw/intstudweb/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 63, TOEIC 670, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Communication Engineering YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Electrical Engineering YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Photonics Engineering YZU http://admission.yzu.edu.tw/degreeStudent/student/login BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Systems & Naval Mechatronic Engineering NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Environmental Engineering NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Material Science & Engineering NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Civil Engineering (Including Structural Engineering, Geotech Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Structures and Materials, and Engineering Management) NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering (Including Water Resources Engineering and Coastal & Ocean Engineering) NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
The International Curriculum for Advanced Materials Program (iCAMP) NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
International Master Program on Natural Hazards Mitigation and Management NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Electrical Engineering (Including Material Group, Control Group, Power Group, VLSI/ CAD Group, and Instrument, System, and Chip Group) NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Microelectronics NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Computer & Communication Engineering (Including Computer Science and Information System group and Communication and Network Group) NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
MS Degree Program on Nano-Integrated Circuit Engineering NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) International Graduate Program (Including System On Chip Concentration, Telecommunication /  Networking Concentration, Photonics and Display Concentration, Biomedical Signals and Systems Concentration, and System and Control Concentration) NCTU http://oia-sys.nctu.edu.tw/admissions/ TOEFL ITP 500, IBT 73,  TOEIC 650, IELTS 5.5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Graduate Program of International College of Semiconductor Technology (Including Solid-state Electronic Devices and Material Program, Precision Machinery and Semiconductor Equipment Program, and Heterogeneous Intergration and Microsystem Engineering Program) NCTU http://oia-sys.nctu.edu.tw/admissions/ TOEFL ITP 500, IBT 73,  TOEIC 650, IELTS 5.5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems CCU http://oia.ccu.edu.tw/apply/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
International Master Program in Soil and Water Engineering NPUST http://oia.npust.edu.tw/en/International_scholarship BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Electro-Optical Science and Technology NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Automation & Control NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Material Science & Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Civil & Construction Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Mechanical Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Chemical Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Applied Science & Technology NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Color & Illumination Technology NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Information Management NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Industrial Management NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Computer Science & Information Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Electronic & Computer Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Electrical Engineering NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Architecture NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Industrial and Commercial Design NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Earth Science PCCU https://ap2.pccu.edu.tw/eDocument/form.aspx?id=f4c7faca-96dd-4117-8ed7-82552d66c56d IBT 64, IELTS 5, TOEIC 620 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 USD 45 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master Program of Biomedical Material and Technology CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Geomatics NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Biotechnology NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Bioinformatics & Biosignal Transduction NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Institute of Tropical Plant Sciences NCKU https://admissions.oia.ncku.edu.tw/ Bebas PERLU, MIN USD 4.935 USD 60 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Interdiscplinary Molecular Science of Material and Chemical Biology NCTU http://oia-sys.nctu.edu.tw/admissions/ TOEFL ITP 500, IBT 73,  TOEIC 650, IELTS 5.5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department  of Physics NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Humanity and Environmental Science NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Department  of Natural Resources & Environmentals Studies NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
International Master Program in Food Science NPUST http://oia.npust.edu.tw/en/International_scholarship BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Ornamental Fish Science and Technology NPUST http://oia.npust.edu.tw/en/International_scholarship BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Animal Vaccine Technology NPUST http://oia.npust.edu.tw/en/International_scholarship BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Mathematics NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Physics NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Earth Science NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Science CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master of Science Reconstructive Microsurgery CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)

Jurusan Nama Kampus Link Pendaftaran Persyaratan TOEFL Financial Statement Biaya Pendaftaran Universitas Biaya Pengiriman Dokumen
English Language and Literature PCCU https://ap2.pccu.edu.tw/eDocument/form.aspx?id=f4c7faca-96dd-4117-8ed7-82552d66c56d IBT 64, IELTS 5, TOEIC 620 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 USD 45 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Program CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Applied Linguistics and Language Studies Department CYCU http://ias.cycu.edu.tw/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Foreign Language & Literature FCU https://service120-sds.fcu.edu.tw/W710107/index.htm#/en/1 TOEFL ITP: 500; TOEFL iBT: 61; IELTS: 5.5; or TOEIC: 550 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Applied English MCU http://apply.mcu.edu.tw/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 61, TOEIC 550, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.500 USD 50 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Foreign Language and Literature (Including Teaching English as a Foreign Language Division and Arts in English / American Literature Division) THU http://exam.thu.edu.tw/EXAM/26_index2.htm TOEFL IBT 85, TOEIC 800,  IELTS 6 PERLU, MIN USD 2.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Educational Leadership and Management Development CCU http://oia.ccu.edu.tw/apply/ BEBAS BEBAS Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department  of Education  & Human Potential Development NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Information & Computer Education NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
English NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning & Education NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Applied Foreign Languange NTUST http://entry5.ntust.edu.tw/FA_FrontEnd/Default.aspx BEBAS TIDAK PERLU Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
Graduate Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Science CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Master of Science Reconstructive Microsurgery CGU http://www2.is.cgu.edu.tw/aplforis/login.aspx TOEFL 480, IBT 54, TOEIC 520, IELTS 4 PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)
International Affairs MCU http://apply.mcu.edu.tw/ TOEFL ITP 500,  IBT 61, TOEIC 550, IELTS 5 PERLU, MIN USD 6.500 USD 50 Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Asia-Pacific Area Studies NDHU http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/rd/foreignstudents/login.aspx BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 4.000 Rp. 0,- (Gratis) Rp. 0,- (Hanya Online)
Library and Information Studies NTNU http://ap.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/istudent/apply/ BEBAS PERLU, MIN USD 3.000 US 60 Rp. 300.000,- (Perlu Hardcopy)

Taiwan Education Center Indonesia 印尼臺灣教育中心
Phone: 081.25.9999.790 
LINE ID: @tecindonesia
Facebook: Taiwan Education Center Indonesia
Jam Kerja: Senin sd. Jumat, 09.00-16.00 (By appointment)